Youth Etiquette

Social, Dining & Communication Skills for Children, Pre-Teens and Teenagers

The World is changing and it’s changing fast. What skills will our children need to succeed in today’s world and in the future?  

The “World Economic Forum” has predicted that “65% of the children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist.” 

To survive and flourish in such a world, they will need a lot of mental flexibility and great reserves of emotional balance.  While technical and academic skills are still important, the soft skills have become fundamental. Social skills are the tickets to success. 

Our awarding winning “International Youth Etiquette Program” from Minding Manner International, Europe’s leading etiquette and finishing school, have been designed for children and adolescents aged from 4-17 years, it gives them the competitive advantage in everyday life, at school and in their future careers. 

Our goal is to help children everywhere-regardless of background, culture or education learn and accept who they are and to feel comfortable with this. We believe that building their self-esteem and confidence will provide access to a world of possibilities, thus ensuring that today’s children are able to enjoy every chapter, every phase of their lives and be ready to conquer the challenges and opportunities as they mature into achieving, responsible and caring adults.  

To organise a private session for one or a workshop for five or more participants, please contact us.

Young Diplomats

Ages 5 - 7 years old

Little Ambassadors

Ages 8 - 12 years old

Just For Teens

Ages 13 - 17 years old